By car
Coming from the A33
A33 exit Paderborn Sennelager (24)Bielefelder Str. turn right/left towards HövelhofAfter approx. 1 km turn right into Achsenschmiede 1-3
From Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport
From Alter Hellweg follow the L751 and then theL776. Go via the L776, B1 and A33 to Bielefelder Straße in Paderborn. Take the A33 exit Paderborn Sennelager (24) After approx. 1 km turn right into the axis forge 1-3
Parking options
You can park in the visitor parking lots right in front of our main building.
By public transportation
Paderborn Central Station
Bus R20 direction Hövelhof,
(Cemetery) Exit: bus stop PB-Sennelager, Peitz, Please note: the bus R20 continues from this stop as line 421 in the direction of Riege/Espeln. The bus stop PB-Sennelager, Peitz is located directlyopposite the main building.
Pb-Schloss-Neuhaus, Hatzfelder Pl
Bus R20 – direction Hövelhof(Friedhof)
Exit: bus stop PB-Sennelager, Peitz
Please note: the bus R20 continuesfrom this stop as line 421 in the direction of Riege/Espeln. The bus stop PB-Sennelager, Peitz is located directlyopposite the main building.
Directions as PDF-Download